The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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230 lines
| *** RE-VIEW 1.8 *** |
| |
| Copyright (C) 1983 by Vincent T. Bly |
| |
| RE-VIEW is a user supported program. |
| If you use RE-VIEW, send $15 to: |
| Vincent Bly |
| P. O. Box 409 |
| Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060 |
| |
| You are encouraged to give copies of |
| this software and documentation to your|
| friends. Please make sure it includes |
| the notice above. Anyone who wishes to|
| get RE-VIEW directly from the author |
| can send $22 which covers the software,|
| diskette, mailer, and postage. |
| |
| Support will be provided to users who|
| have paid for the program. Send your |
| clearly worded questions to the above |
| address. A stamped, self-addressed |
| envelope will speed replies. |
RE-VIEW provides enhanced text display capabilities for the IBM PC
or PC-XT equipped with the standard Color/Graphics Adapter. It is also
compatible with the COMPAQ portable computer. RE-VIEW can be used with
MS-DOS 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0. Its main features include:
a) A 75 line screen buffer which saves text as it scrolls off the
top of the active display page.
b) The ability to review the 75 line screen buffer and the active
display page together as one virtual screen of 100 text lines.
c) The ability to scroll rapidly up and down the 100 line virtual
screen, a line at a time or a page (25 lines) at a time.
d) The ability to quickly pause normal screen display by tapping
the [Scroll Lock] key. During the pause, you can review any text in
the 100 line virtual screen.
e) The ability to temporarily stop saving new scrolled text, so
that text already in the buffer is preserved for future reference.
f) An improved scrolling routine with substantually reduced flicker.
RE-VIEW uses the extreme right-hand [-] and [+] keys for page up and
page down functions, respectively (the normal [-] and [+] keys are not
affected). These keys are used by RE-VIEW to avoid incompatibility with
other programs which use the [Pg Up] and [Pg Dn] keys for their own
In the text below, "rgt[-]" and "rgt[+]" signify the extreme right-
hand [-] and [+] keys, respectively. "<shft>rgt[-]" and "<shft>rgt[+]"
signify the shifted right-hand [-] and [+] keys.
RE-VIEW only operates with the Color/Graphics Adapter. It is NOT
compatible with the Monochrome Display Adapter. RE-VIEW's main features
operate in the 80 column text mode only (although the quick pause feature
can be used from any display mode). Also, the DOS 2.0 ANSI.SYS device
driver is not compatible with RE-VIEW; however, a patching program is
provided with RE-VIEW which will create a compatible version of ANSI.SYS.
RE-VIEW can be installed from DOS by typing the command: RE-VIEW
and pressing return. Normally, you would include this command in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Once RE-VIEW has been installed, it will remain in
your system--ready to provide the capabilities listed below--until you
turn your system off or reboot with <Ctrl><Alt>[Del].
RE-VIEWs features can be used any time your computer is waiting for
keyboard input. The function of the keys used by RE-VIEW are as follows:
rgt[-] or rgt[+] ... These keys allow you to quickly scroll up or down
through the 100 line virtual screen, a line at a time.
<shft>rgt[-] or <shft>rgt[+] ... These keys allow you to move up or down
through the 100 line virtual screen, a page at a time
(there are a total of 4 pages).
<Alt>[Scroll Lock] ... This key combination allows you to toggle saving of
scrolled text into the 75 line buffer. In order to
help you keep track of the current state--an audible
signal will be sounded as follows:
2 BEEPS - scrolled text will be saved,
1 BEEP - scrolled text will not be saved.
This feature can be used to save text created by
one program for later review by another. For example,
you could use TYPE to display up to 75 lines of your
program source code. Next, you would scroll the lines
off the screen to save them in the 75 line buffer.*
Next, you would press <Alt>[Scroll Lock] to prevent
future scrolled lines from disturbing the contents of
the buffer. Now, you could enter DEBUG to analyze
your program, while--at any time--being able to review
your commented source code using RE-VIEW's paging keys
(rgt[-], etc.).
* The UP.COM program, included with RE-VIEW, makes
scrolling the text into the buffer easier--see the
description near the end of this documentation.
RE-VIEW's features can also be used while your computer is displaying
text on the screen. First--you must pause the screen display by pressing
the [Scroll Lock] key. During the pause you may use the keys listed below:
rgt[-] or rgt[+] ... Scroll up or down through the 100 line virtual
screen, a line at a time.
<shft>rgt[-] or <shft>rgt[+] ... Move through the (4 page) virtual screen,
a page at a time.
<Alt>[Scroll Lock] ... Toggle between saving and not saving scrolled text.
<Ctrl>[Scroll Lock] = "Break" ... Perform a Break immediately. Unlike the
<Ctrl>[Num Lock] pause, the [Scroll Lock] pause does
not throw away the key used to restart. Therefore you
do not need to hit the "Break" key twice.
Any Other Key (including [Scroll Lock]) ... Restart normal screen display.
RE-VIEW is compatible with most text producing programs which print
to the screen using the standard DOS or ROM routines. Known compatible
programs include:
Some programs will not be compatible with RE-VIEW. These include:
a) programs which access screen memory directly;
b) programs which use screen pages other than page 0;
c) and, programs which use the same keys as RE-VIEW.
When you use one of these programs or need to use the right-hand [-] and
[+] keys for data entry, you can--temporarily--deactivate RE-VIEW by
pressing <Ctrl><Alt>[Scroll Lock]. When deactivated, RE-VIEW will have
no effect on system processing except for a small routine which will wait
for the next press of <Ctrl><Alt>[Scroll Lock], which you can use to
reactivate RE-VIEW. NOTE: you should use this feature from DOS, not from
an application program (for example, you can deactivate RE-VIEW from BASIC,
but must return to DOS to reactivate it).
RE-VIEW's features can be very helpful in BASIC, especially when list-
ing long programs. It is also compatible with SofTool Systems' BASIC
Development System (BDS). However, you should be aware that many BASIC
programs will destroy the contents of RE-VIEW's screen buffer when they
are run. Most WIDTH and SCREEN commands will clear the buffer, some other
commands may also. However, this does not affect RE-VIEW's assistance in
reviewing listing of large BASIC programs or the output of utilities such
as SofTool's BDS.
Three auxiliary programs are included with RE-VIEW:
CLA.COM ....... This program provides the DOS command CLA, which
operates like DOS 2.0's CLS command, except that
all 100 lines of the virtual screen are cleared.
UP.EXE ........ This program provides the DOS command UP, which
scrolls the text above the cursor just off the
top of the screen into the 75 line save buffer.
(Use it with <Alt>[Scroll Lock] to save text pro-
duced by one program for later review by another.)
ANSIPCH.EXE ... This program patches DOS 2.0's ANSI.SYS program
to provide compatibility with RE-VIEW (see below).
If you are using the DOS 2.0 ANSI.SYS device driver, you will need to
patch it for compatibility with RE-VIEW. The original ANSI.SYS does not
use the standard ROM routines for scrolling. Therefore, RE-VIEW will be
ineffective on systems using the original ANSI.SYS driver. The program,
ANSIPCH.EXE, creates a patched version of ANSI.SYS which is compatible
with RE-VIEW and provides all the features of the original ANSI.SYS.
You can patch ANSI.SYS as follows:
1 ... Make sure the disk you are using has a copy of the
files "ANSI.SYS" and "ANSIPCH.EXE".
2 ... Type ANSIPCH and press return. In a few seconds, you
should see the message -
"*** Patch complete. Patched version = ANSIR.SYS ***".
3 ... Edit your CONFIG.SYS file, changing the line -
4 ... Re-boot your system to install the patched version of
ANSI.SYS. Now install RE-VIEW by typing RE-VIEW and
pressing return; everything should work properly now.
Note: ANSIPCH.EXE presumes the original version of ANSI.SYS
(dated 03/08/83) is on the default disk drive. If it
is not found, ANSIPCH will abort after displaying the
message -
"* Cannot open ANSI.SYS *".
If ANSI.SYS is found, but does not compare with the
original version, ANSIPCH will abort after displaying
the message -
"* Unfamiliar version of ANSI.SYS, patching aborted. *"
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp.
COMPAQ is a trademark of COMPAQ Computer Corporation.
BASIC Development System (BDS), copyright (C) SofTool Systems 1982.
This disk copy was originally provided by "The Public Library",
the software library of the Houston Area League of PC Users.
Programs are available from the Public Library at $2 per disk
on user-provided disks. To get a listing of the disks in the
Public Library, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to
Nelson Ford, P.O.Box 61565, Houston, TX 77208.